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CTi recognise communications are key to any successful business.
The traditional approach to IT is to buy a bit here and a bit there, then get upset when the elements don't work with each other. We understand telephones, computers and networks so we can make them integrate with each other and thus enable your organisation to run as smoothly as possible.
With our innovative use of technology we can provide you and all your staff a fully integrated communications system and all you need to set up the IT in an office anywhere, including remote sites/workers, for a fraction of the price of a traditional Server-based solution.
We work hard to provide an excellent service at a very fair price. Many people will try to sell you equipment and services you don't really need. We look at what you are trying to achieve and be as careful with your money as if we are spending our own.
For more information on the right solutions for you, call us on 01242 621641. We supply solutions locally: Cheltenham, Gloucester and Oxford, as well as throughout the rest of the UK.